A Beginner’s Guide to Community

May 28, 2019 | Colin Johnson

Community in my life has not been the easiest thing to do. I was homeschooled and was very shy and uncomfortable around people. When I moved into my adult life, I had very little community around me. It was coworkers and a couple of friends. When my wife and I decided to move from Washington state to Indiana we left behind any form of community in the friends we had. So, we had to start over, and I want to share the journey we had and hope to help you find more community with a few tips.

#1. Find the value in Community.

As a natural introvert, I can do well with having time alone. It is great at times for resting and relaxing and can even be healthy at times. My wife on the other hand, while still an introvert, needs to have contact and build relationships with others. We both tried to do this with just each other, but when we had issues or hardships that naturally happen in life it made those situations harder on both of us.

When you are in community and have people around who want to share the hard times and good times, you start to see the value it can bring. There are people to ask for prayer over sickness, to gather around to help work on a house together, to break bread and do life together.

I look at the community I have now around me and am thankful and full of joy at what God has done in my life just from being part of a community.

#2. If it’s hard for you, start small.

One of the things I have a hard time with is meeting lots of new people at once. So, trying to jump into something established does not work for me. What I did was start with a Vineyard FIT class and serving on a team. Each FIT class I took I got to know a couple of different people over a 4ish-week period in a small setting at the church. I then saw them on the weekend, and we would connect. It was the start of what was building community.

The other way I got connected was by joining a team. Stepping up and saying yes to be a part of a team allowed me to serve with a smaller community in the larger body. I was getting to know others regularly and my connections grew. I enjoy getting to serve God and the church, but I felt the joy of being a part of something.

Vineyard FIT    Join a Team

#3. Find, Join, Start or Lead a group.

The best community I have is my Vineyard Group. We are all people doing life together. I have been leading my group for over a year now and it has been a place of growth and love. Each of us come together and support each other and share our lives one night a week. Before getting into a group, my wife and I grew to a point where we decided we needed more community and a group was it. No one had a group that was open that allowed kids, with married couples around our age. So, we decided, since we want that; let's make that. I’d challenge anyone to pray and explore starting or joining a group because in community we grow and thrive.

There are many ways to find community and each one a different level. No matter where you are at in life, there is a place for you. So, don’t ever feel alone, step in and try it out. You belong here.

If you would like to join or lead a group, you can contact Keith Crain, the Director of Spiritual Development, at

Colin is the Assistant Director of Student Ministries & Weekend Celebrations. Half of his job is serving with the weekend celebrations and making sure they run as smooth as they can. The second half is in Student Ministries where he gets to share God’s love with kids. Colin is happily married to his beautiful wife, Erin and together they have a Whidbey (their child).
