Just Like David | Week 1

June 4, 2019 | The Vineyard Church

Tim Terpening

Since I became a Christian, the one Old Testament individual in the Bible I have most enjoyed reading and studying is King David.

Early in David’s story, the prophet Samuel obeyed God and went to anoint a new king in place of Saul. David’s father, Jesse, held a feast and began to parade his sons before the prophet. When Samuel saw the oldest, he was sure the big guy was it. But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

Around five years ago, Pastor Mark started a series called “Inner Life.” One of his subpoints was “judging by appearance is a faulty system.” This stuck with me and I hope it will with you too.

There was nothing about David on the surface that impressed his father. He was so insignificant in his father's eyes that Jesse was sure the prophet wouldn't be interested in him. David had to be summoned from tending sheep and brought to the feast.

Let’s look at this from the mirror side. I didn’t find growing up easy. A rough dad and a noncompliant son make for a less-than-perfect mix. But beyond the physically challenging times existed verbal humiliation. The most common was, “You’ll never amount to anything when you grow up.” Because this was drilled into me often, I began to think I was zero, nothing, nobody. It frightened me from trying anything new.

We are so much like David. Most of us are not models of physical perfection or perfect individuals, so it might come as a relief that God does not judge us in this way. Our value to God is not because of our good looks, high function, or unique gifts. What makes us valuable is our Maker. This is great news in a society that puts a value on elite educations, high-paying jobs, and Barbie doll figures.

David suddenly went from a little nobody to somebody. When I came to Christ, I went from a nobody in my own eyes to somebody. People who are significant to God are often insignificant to others. So, if you feel insignificant to others, good news! God is focused on you and has plans for you. It was little David, not big Saul, who killed Goliath. David needed and possessed the Spirit of God, just like you.

God looks at the heart. While the oldest son, and even King Saul, were “all that and a bag of chips” in physical stature, God wanted humility and obedience. And He still does… from me, from you. We all have that potential.

This post was written by a group of volunteer writers who strive to share God's truth through an online platform, but may not reflect the views of The Vineyard Church as a whole. To learn how you can get involved, email us at
