October 9 – 12 

Chasing God is a series of evenings set aside for the sole purpose of drawing near to God. Through music and worship, teaching from some great speakers, prayer and enough flexibility to respond to God in the moment, we hope that significant life change will happen!


Sunday, October 6, 7pm

  • Start of Three-day Fast 

Monday, October 7, 7pm

  • Open Prayer & Worship

Tuesday, October 8, 7pm

  • Open Prayer & Worship

Wednesday, October 9, 7pm

  • End of Three-day Fast
  • Speaker: Jordan Seng (Bluewater Mission Vineyard Church · Hawaii)
  • Kids programming available up through the 3rd grade, please register here. 

Thursday, October 10, 7pm

  • Speaker: Julie Yoder (Vineyard Church of Central Illinois)
  • Kids programming available up through the 3rd grade, please register here. 

Friday, October 11, 7pm

  • Speaker: Brian Aulick (Engedi Church · Holland, MI)
  • Kids programming available up through the 3rd grade, please register here. 

Saturday, October 12, 5:30

  • Speaker: Kevin Clark (Radiant Lexington)
  • Kids programming available up through the 3rd grade, please register here. 



Three-day Fast

Starts on Sunday, October 6 at 7pm

We are inviting our church body to come together to fast and pray for Chasing God because we believe God will honor and bless the sacrifice. The invitation is for each of us to take part in a fast from all food for three days. Try asking God what the fast should look like specifically for you. 

We do not "earn anything" by fasting, but rather by dismissing our reliance on food for a time makes room to receive spiritual nourishment. It slows us down and creates more space for us to hear from God. Jeremiah 29:12 says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." 

A church-wide fast is different than a personal fast because you are surrounded by others experiencing the same struggles, who can encourage you along the way. When a community fasts together, it can lead to a large scale revival of faith. Some examples of fasting in the bible are Esther 4:16, Ezra 8:21-23, and Acts 14:23

If you choose to fast for more than a day, typically the 2nd and 3rd days of any fast are the most difficult. It is normal to experience: dry mouth (drink water or chew gum), lightheadedness (drink some juice), hunger pangs (if severe, please consult a doctor), going to the restroom a lot (you are likely drinking a lot more water than usual), and changes to your sleeping pattern.

No! A benefit of a church-wide fast is that you are not alone. We expect hundreds of people to participate in the fast, and we want each person to feel supported while fasting so they can experience all God has for them. Before Chasing God, you’re invited to join us as we pray and worship as one, seeking God’s presence during the fast:

Open Prayer & Worship
  • Monday, October 7, 7–8:30pm
  • Tuesday, October 8, 7–8:30pm


  1. Drink a lot of water when you are fasting. Try to avoid caffeine as it can sometimes trigger your body to feel hungry. 
  2. Have a plan for what you are going to do during mealtimes. For example, if you normally eat lunch with co-workers, make a plan to go for a walk or a drive rather than sitting at the lunch table. 
  3. When you feel hungry, pause in that moment and pray. Ask God to be your strength, your energy, and your portion, Offer your hunger to Him and ask Him to give you a spiritual nourishment. 


  • Text “FAST” to 574.318.3068 to receive daily encouragement throughout the fast | TEXT
  • Listen to a multipart podcast on why Christians should fast from John Mark Comer | Listen 1 | Listen 2 | Listen 3 | READ
  • Fasting Starter Kit by CRU | Learn More
  • Listen to a practical fasting conversation podcast with Sam Murray, Sarah Kovach and Christie Knapp | Listen 
  • Why fast? Watch a video teaching on fasting from Pastor Mark below:


Steve Huffman, Executive Pastor


Programming for children up to 3rd grade will be available, but please register each child online.