Costa Rica Missions Trip 2019 | Update #3
July 4, 2019 | Taylor Herndon
Hola amigos! Day three in Costa Rica was a BEAUTIFUL day. The sun was shining all day long and we didn’t waste a minute of it! Our team has loved working together to impact the Palmares community. First of all...the food here is incredible...
Costa Rica Missions Trip 2019 | Update #2
July 3, 2019
Rachelle Bontreger Hola Familia de Vineyard Mishawaka! We have started our week off right - including plenty of yummy meals, beautiful sunsets, a double-rainbow, and so many life-giving conversations. On our second day, our team...
Costa Rica Missions Trip 2019 | Update #1
July 2, 2019
Phil Atkins Hola from Palmares Costa Rica! Yesterday we traveled and things went extremely well. Everyone and everything arrived safely, except for one suitcase that suffered a severe leg injury in transit. Rayner Rojas from La Vina...
Rebuild Missions Trip 2019 | Update #5
June 14, 2019
Keith & Lori Crain We can’t believe how quickly the week went by. We also can’t believe how much transformation we saw in these few days. We obviously saw a transformation in our main construction projects. But the other...
Rebuild Missions Trip 2019 | Update #4
June 13, 2019
Rachel Coleman Our fourth day on the farm started off like each day previously. We were ushered into our daily task with a great breakfast prepared by the residents of the house. This breakfast, however, was a little different than before...