Rachelle Bontreger

Hola Familia de Vineyard Mishawaka!
We have started our week off right - including plenty of yummy meals, beautiful sunsets, a double-rainbow, and so many life-giving conversations.
On our second day, our team broke into four main activities: Vacation Bible School (Day Dos!), Mural-Painting in the Park, Babies Building Renovations, and Yvette and Jocelyn Home Renovations!

The Vacation Bible School team consisted of Taylor, Maddie, Rachelle, James, and Trae. This three-day Vacation Bible School is hosting 40-50 children daily using the theme of God in the Wild. We partner with Vina volunteers to guide children groups, complete crafts, teach about missions, play fun games, share the main story, and memorize verses. On Day 2, Taylor led the children through the story of John the Baptist and Jesus’ baptism while translated by Rayner’s wife, Sara. While the language barrier is not necessarily fun, the children definitely are! They ask good questions and are good sports about giving (and receiving) questioning looks.
Prayer Opportunity: Sara, our fearless leader (and our main interpreter!) at VBS will be leaving with the Rojas children for a trip to South Carolina tomorrow! Pray safe travels and a life-giving visit for them and for the VBS volunteers and children on Day 3!

The Mural-Painting in the Park team started out with Stephanie and Kathy, and the VBS team joined them in the afternoon. We are working with Vina creatives to design and paint a colorful mural for a local park! The design was discussed yesterday, and today we hit the ground running.

We chose the colors, bought the paint, outlined the design, and began painting. We had to pause a little bit because of the rain this afternoon, but none of the marks washed away. We have a lot of color on the wall already, and we’re hoping to make even more progress tomorrow. The mural is going to represent our duo-Vineyard team - colorful, creative, and a lot of fun.

Phil and Mike worked on the Babies Building Renovations, which are going really well despite some drizzle this afternoon. The guys went into San Ramon to get some needed supplies, and they were able to see La Vina Palmares’ church plant which is getting started in that city. The story behind the plant’s location is beautiful, and it is so inspiring to hear how God is putting all the pieces together to get the plant off the ground. They are currently running small groups out of that location and meeting once a month - There are around 120 participants already!

Sammy and CJ worked on the Yvette & Jocelyn Home Renovations. Our guys are working with Mata, a Vina volunteer (we’re told he is 70) to build this small family
a home with plumbing and non-leaking roof! In the past two days, the cement has been poured, pipes have been laid, and walls have been built for these women’s new bathroom! The new roof was laid as well. Despite a language barrier, the guys have been having a great time and it is beyond a blessing to see Yvette and Jocelyn’s joy throughout the process.
Prayer Opportunity: For all these work projects, please pray the rain holds off. Rain or no rain, please pray we use every opportunity to share the love of Jesus and to continue building these bonds with our Vina brothers and sisters.

The day ended with a worship night at the church. Rayner led a night of free worship and prayer. We walked away overwhelmed by the deep places the Holy Spirit can touch - even in the moments we did not understand the language. Many family concerns were brought up - losses, worries, and pains. In particular, we were invited to pray for one of the volunteers. Her boyfriend attempted to commit suicide in the afternoon. He is currently in the hospital and unresponsive. Please join us in praying for his life to be spared and for healing to flow in the name of Jesus.
Thank you, all, for your support and prayers! God is on the move here, as we know He is there. Asta manana!