About Algebra and the Old Testament

May 21, 2024 | Jaci Miller

I couldn’t do it. Algebra was kicking me around like a deflated, defeated soccer ball. Though a good student in other areas, I was pulling a “C” in this class. I needed help. Then my parents intervened and sought it from the...

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Sweet Temptations

May 14, 2024 | Mitchell Mace

This morning I was reading and listening to the Daily Bread reading. It was discussing deceptions and temptations. What really grabbed my attention at the start of the reading was the mentioning of a truck full of chocolate stolen in...

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Hello Costa Rica

May 7, 2024 | Russ Moe

“Soy un burro,” said Pastor John Miller, greeting the hundreds of Costa Ricans gathered for the special meeting that Sunday evening. A packed church is typical for a visiting American minister. Unique warmth and hospitality is the...

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Dipping and Diving: What Naaman and a Shell Seeker Taught Me

April 30, 2024 | Jaci Miller

“I found another one!” My seven-year-old niece pushed her goggles onto her forehead and held out a tiny shell. She dropped it into the baggie I held. “How many have you found?”  The lake water lapped gently around my...

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Resolving Conflict: Christ’s Way

April 23, 2024 | Jenn Adams

“I just want to set the record straight …” Uh-oh. This is not the first thing you want to read when you open an email. It’s never excellent to approach conflict resolution from the viewpoint of “This is the way...

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