Missouri 2018 Update #1

April 10, 2018

Lance Knapp Our drive from The Vineyard to Harvest Home in Missouri started after getting prayed off well at the church. We made it in fairly good time; however, we drove into some snow as we got within a couple hours of our destination. Ivan...

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Uganda January 2018 Update #5

January 20, 2018

Kenny Beachy Hello from Africa! Today was another amazing day hanging out with the Dreamland children. We brought new toys and games including Legos, K’Nex, Jenga, Tinker Toys and Twister; they were interested and drawn to them right away...

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Uganda January 2018 Update #4

January 19, 2018

Kari Olser  Greetings from Uganda. This morning was nice and cool to go out in the garden at our hotel, at the break of day, and feel the indescribable peace and joy while spending time with my Lord. Nothing in this world is more important...

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Uganda January 2018 Update #3

January 18, 2018

CarolAnn This morning I woke up with an excitement in my heart because I knew the Lord’s spirit was going to be present throughout the day, and it sure was. In my morning devotions, I was reading in 1 Corinthians 13, commonly known as the...

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Uganda January 2018 Update #2

January 16, 2018

I am beyond blessed to be in Uganda!!! My daughter, Katie Gisi (who has been serving as a missionary in Uganda these last four months), was waiting for us at the airport when we arrived, along with her Uganda family. It’s been a long four...

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