
July 25, 2023 | Mitchell Mace

It is the midst of the night. Graduation celebrations are in full swing. Teenagers are all living it up. Many are breaking loose and shaking off the frustrations of their school routines. And they deserve the celebration. Parents are going to...

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Honduras 2023 | Update #5

July 14, 2023

By Elyse Boggs & Linda Swanson Greetings fellow Hoosiers, from Honduras, We started this morning with breakfast at 8:00 am and our devotional from Lee Stanton referencing 1 Corinthians 3:10. The devotional was regarding wisdom and with...

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Honduras 2023 | Update #4

July 13, 2023

By Stephanie & Jason Hicks This morning we were given an opportunity to sleep in a little with breakfast at 8:30 and we were joined by Keren, one of the interpreters who’s been with World Compassion Network for a few years...

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Honduras 2023 | Update #3

July 12, 2023

By Nichole Kirkpatrick Hello family, friends, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  Today was our third full day serving the Lord in El Progresso, Honduras. We were able to sleep in a little bit and met as a group before breakfast...

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Honduras 2023 | Update #2

July 10, 2023

By Lee Stanton Good evening family, friends, and prayer team.   Day two started with us gathering and enjoying a true authentic Honduran breakfast (yum), followed with a daily devotional and a chance to take some time to pray for...

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