Rebuild Missions Trip 2019 | Update #2
June 11, 2019
Retha Stork It was another great day on the Farm here in northwest Illinois! What a fabulous group of Vineyard friends coming together to minister at New Life Farm. On Tuesday, we enjoyed a visit from Pastor Mark Pope, Kathy...
Rebuild Missions Trip 2019 | Update #1
June 10, 2019 | Keith Crain
Hello from Northwest Illinois, Our annual Rebuild Mission Trip is underway. For the last several years The Vineyard Church has done a domestic construction-based mission trip and this year our trip is the New Life for Women Farm in Northwest...
Exploring Missions in India
January 23, 2019 | Kathy Smarrella
In 2018, through some interesting and seemingly random networks, The Vineyard was connected with Pastor R. Abraham, the founder of the New India Church of God in the country of India. New India Church of God is a ministry that focuses on church...
Why Should I Attend Art for the Heart of Africa?
October 8, 2018
I have the honor of serving as an Assistant Director here at the church – and I get to work with missions and outreach, which are areas related to Art for the Heart of Africa. Despite that, I have a confession. Although I’ve been...
Uganda September 2018 Update 7
September 10, 2018 | Kathy Smarrella
Greetings from Arua, Uganda, on our last night here. Our team of 10 has spent the day at the Dreamland Children’s Home this morning and afternoon, playing games, distributing some new clothes, going to the playground, having conversations...